Serverless Development

Strategy for Serverless Development Excellence

At Facet Interactive, we specialize in creating scalable, flexible, and dependable microservice applications using the Serverless Framework that can adapt and grow with your business needs.

  • Understanding Your Business Goals: We kick-start our engagement by comprehending your business objectives. Our global team of experts leverage their comprehensive know-how in developing microservices architectures to devise strategies that align with your business goals.

  • Building Custom Plans: We map your business needs to create bespoke microservice architectures for your enterprise web applications. Our custom plans are designed to enhance your IT capabilities, enabling your business to scale and innovate continuously without risking your revenue-driving operations.

Benefits of Serverless Development

Choosing Serverless development with Facet brings you scalability, cost efficiency and better resource utilization. Let's explore some of these core benefits:

  • Scalability: Serverless development allows applications to be elastic and highly flexible, scaling automatically to meet changing workloads and user demands.

  • Cost Efficiency: Pay only for the compute time you consume, thereby reducing operating costs and optimizing your resource utilization.

  • Focus on Core Business: By eliminating the need to manage servers, your IT staff can focus on building great products instead of spending time on server management.

  • Discrete Separation of Concerns: By separating the API layers that interact with third parties from the core web application, you can significantly increase your security posture and reduce security risks. 

Design Principles in Serverless Architecture

We believe in creating serverless architectures that drive interconnectivity, reliability and security for your serverless applications.

  • Interconnectivity: We ensure that your IT components communicate seamlessly with each other.

  • Security: Our designs prioritize the secure handling of data, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access.

Key Performance Indicators in Serverless Development

Our commitment to your success goes beyond deployment. We monitor critical KPIs to ensure optimal serverless application performance.

  • Monitoring Performance KPIs: We track KPIs such as latency, errors, and invocation counts to ensure your serverless applications are running smoothly.

  • Automated Alerts: By integrating automated error and performance alerts, we ensure any potential performance issues are identified and addressed swiftly, maintaining uninterrupted service delivery.

Common Serverless Development Projects

Our expertise in serverless development extends to various areas, from microservices technology transformation to web scraping.

  • Microservices Technology Transformation: We help businesses transition from monolithic web applications to a microservices architecture, improving agility and scalability.

  • Secure Integration Ecosystem: We help architect secure integration ecosystems that run in independent containerized environments across AWS infrastructure using Serverless framework.

  • Web Scraping: Our Serverless solutions extend to web scraping, enabling businesses to extract and analyze data effortlessly from various sources online.

Work with Us for Serverless Success!

At Facet Interactive, we believe in systemizing success for your business through technology. Our expertise in Serverless Development serves as a powerful tool, enabling us to transform your application architecture using the power of microservices. We look forward to partnering with you on this journey of innovation and growth.